We’re Off To See The Wizard… 


The wonderful wizard of… Wait.  We’re on the road again… I just can’t wait to get back on the…”, okay okay, you know the song. Truth is, I feel I’ve not been off it. Even on lockdown (and what was that all about by the way), it felt like there was perpetual motion. I digress. The good news is and the long story short, that we are back at it once again. This time it’s something new and something very different. It’s beginning to feel like a big F**k off tour. And I’m loving it!

Fair enough, I’ll spill the beans. Now in case you haven’t already heard, read, seen (cos it’s been all over my pages)… the big road trip is called the Grand Jam Tour and it’s awesome. There I said it! As a Dubliner – we’d prefer to use words like “savage”, “deadly”or “rasper”… but all you speakers of fine English, prefer later day “Americanisms”, and seem to miss our finer subtleties.

The truth is, we don’t even care. We’ll keep it to our selves… banter away in the background and take it back to the Irish. Gaielge beo a dhaoine. Ar aghaidh linn.

A Wee Detour


For the sake of you newbies to this blog, welcome. Oh and welcome to our brand new site that’s just come on line. Built by the wonder woman that is Miss Sabine Mann (link here to her own magic). Sabine has single handedly taken my online presence out of the dark ages and on to another level.

It’s solid steps forward folks, to march in time to all these new media fandangos, not to mention all the cool things that’ve been happening behind the scenes. This time round… we mean business.

So where was I? Ah yes, the Grand Jam Tour. So spoiler alert for those of you who don’t do actual information, here’s the informative stuff (feel free to scroll down to the pictures).

In a nut shell – Three singer songwriters in one van, with a driver, a tour manager, a host, two ladies (namely Christina and Sabine – who are the best media capturesses this close to Tokyo), and Rocko the dog.

We’re Jammin


The Information Stuff


As part of the Wombeats Grand Jam Tour 2022 – Shane (that’s me), will play alongside the wonderful Ray Heffernan (Ireland), and Viki Rács (Hungary). Five shows, four cities, in five days. That’s nothing I hear you say. I know. Sure the Host and I played 20 shows in two weekends during the summer. No jokes!  Anyhoo, that’s a story for another day over a glass of Irish whiskey… Preferably Grace O’Malleys; a brand new whiskey out of Ireland (I don’t do product placement).

Important to note: all Wombeats Music Shelter events will take place at a Wombats City Hostels; located in the cities mentioned below. They’re the real force behind this venture (if the truth be told), and they are a super cool set up. Now I’m not just saying that because they’re providing us with a van, the beds, food and cool venues… and and and. Fact is, they know how it works folks. And along with ‘We Serve You Better’, the masterminds behind this tour (I should give Sad Opera Entertainment a mention too), the Wombats philosophy is bang on. The hostels are savage and also boutique; so they cater to everyone.

The Cities

Budapest, London, Munich and Vienna. If you live close by, you have to come out and join us right. It’s gonna be some craic. You might even get yourself on the mic or the tele!

The Dates

14.11   Naschmarkt – Vienna
15.11   Werksviertel – Munich
16.11   Hauptbahnhof  – Munich
17.11   Wombat´s – Budapest
19.11  Wombat´s – London


Lions and Tigers
and Bears


It takes all sorts. The “Grand Jammers”, as we’re calling ourselves, are some crew. In the van there’s two Austrians, two Irish, one Greek and one Hungarian.  Then there’s Harry & Rocko, the “Wolf Pack”, looking out for our health, happiness and mandolin strings at 4am. Together, they are all about moral victories. We know this. And because we know this, we know we are in good hands (paws).And so will you be if you brave our shows

And so will you be if you brave our shows. Musicians just wanna play and travel. And I love a good laugh… so I am gonna enjoy this one.

Musicians just wanna play and travel. And I love a good laugh… so I am gonna enjoy this one. So why not come out and listen to songs in Irish, English, German and Italian.

There may be some Greek… but there definitely will be Hungarian. Ray and meself will even give it a go, singing much more Hungarian by the tours end, as we rally to meet Charlie in London. We’re goin large on this one folks and we’re gonna give it a lash. There may even be co-writes!


All shows start at 21:00. Come along. Bring Toto. We’ve got Rocko. Together we can take a trip along the yellow brick road. No matter how you look at it… we’re all on that one road, singing a song.  That road might be a road to nowhere… but who cares. We’re better together, in search of something. This time folks, we’re chasing magic. Cos we’re off to the see the wizard…

The wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Fun Fact. Did you know that the man behind the sets and backdrops for the Wizard of Oz was in fact from Tipperary. True for ya!


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